Category - Motivation

The Design Sketchbook blog is a source of inspiration and encouragement for anyone who wants to learn how to draw in product design sketching.

You will find stories, quotes, and tips from successful designers who started from scratch and achieved their dreams.

You will also learn how drawing can boost your creativity, confidence, and communication skills.

Whether you are a beginner or a professional, this blog page will help you stay motivated and passionate about your design journey.

How to find your drawing style?

Be inspired by artists and designers you admire. I was inspired by: My classmate who got higher skills with whom we shared the same table in sketching class to discuss techniques and design points...

Why being Perfectionist will make you Fail?

Hey Design Sketcher! Today I would like to share with you an article about Perfectionism, written by Elizabeth Grace Saunders (writer of The 3 secrets to effective time investment). How many students...

9 Must-see website for industrial designers

Nowadays, the world move fast, maybe too fast sometime. To keep updated a designer has to allocate some time at forecasting innovation and trends. I share with you some websites that I enjoy reading...

How to keep Mr Procrastination away

To constantly improve at Design Sketching, we know that Practice is the key. But M. Procrastination like to call us one time in a while. It may be a sign that we need a break. It’s ok. No harm. ...

Learn better by better enjoying the present

A TIP I recommend especially for beginners who have difficulties to start – who try to draw, but can’t find any satisfaction at the moment. Instead of focusing on getting...

Start Sketching Today Step-by-step!


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