Dive into the 3 key proofs that talent is overrated and discover how you can thrive in the world of design!
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“Wow it is so easy for him to draw! He has so much talent!!”
We could hear people praising artists.

Talent often gets all the glory, but what really sets successful designers apart?
Of course, people don’t see the hours of work, of struggle and practice.

To master your craft as a designer, let’s dive into three key reasons why perseverance, enjoying the journey, and personal growth are more important than “natural talent”.

I show you why “Talent” is overrated to succeed as a designer.

Key 1: Perseverance – The Power of Not Giving Up

Winners never quit. Quitters never win.
Winners never quit. Quitters never win.

When you start something new, you’ll face challenges and failures.
The question is, how many attempts will it take before you throw in the towel?

Remember, repeating the same actions expecting different results isn’t the way forward.
Instead, learn from your mistakes and grow.

Making mistakes is more than OK.
It is part of the learning process!

Imagine trying to learn Piano without making mistakes.
That sounds silly right? : )

People who commit to their projects are the ones who see results.
Don’t rely solely on talent; believe in the power of perseverance, and you’ll go far.

A- Real story:

I had a classmate who love both graffiti and fashion.
He developed his drawing style mixing both domains.

His drawings of clothing were impressive and unique!
He developed it while he was only at his Year-1 of design school.

However, he missed plenty of classes and never study with discipline.
He unfortunately left the school.

I don’t know what he became after that. We lost contact.
Who knows? He may have quit school but never quit his designer journey.
Design school are not the only path to succeed.

I wish he kept developing his skills to show his full potential to the world!

Build your faith that success is the logical path.

B- “No excuse” mindset

Adopt a no-excuse mindset and tell yourself, “If they did it, I can do it too!”
or “No one is going to take my hand and draw for me; only I can influence the outcome positively.”

That is how you will push procrastination away!

It is too easy to accuse life, school, bad critics, the world, the destiny!
Yes, we do not control events that happen to us. But we do control how we react to them.
That is how we should focus on.

Remember that those who grind from the start often achieve their goals.
You have to persevere long enough and do not rest on one’s laurels when you reach early results.
Or you would sabotage your future growth.

C- Drawing Tips to Get Started:

Focus on Fundamentals: Master the basic drawing movements until they become intuitive. This will help you focus on more advanced techniques like perspective and shading

Embrace Mistakes: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Each error is an opportunity for growth. By embracing mistakes, you train yourself to critically assess and learn from them, leading to faster improvement.

Key 2: Enjoy the Journey – Daily Enthusiasm

Enjoy the journey as much as the destination - Marshall Sylver
Enjoy the journey as much as the destination – Marshall Sylver

A- Acquire Superpowers!

Imagine your goal is to speak a Japanese (or any foreign language).
Can you imagine becoming fluent without enjoying learning it?

All the fun is on the journey, when for example you:

  • Try to speak with locals
  • Sing Japanese karaoke,
  • Starting to understand Japanese television, anime…

These feelings are so rewarding!

I like to compare that as acquiring new Super powers. : )
Learning a new skill is about discovering new things you can do!

It is the same for learning how to draw.
Possibilities are infinite to create anything from your imagination! (Cars, plane, furniture, fashion, videogames, architecture…)

B- Love grinding

Some people only feel happy when a project is complete, while others enjoy the process of building it.
Guess who tends to be more successful?
It’s those who love grinding, learning, and creating daily.
They’re so passionate that nothing scares them, and each problem they face makes them stronger.

You want to forge skills that require expertise.

Imagine playing a video game with 0 obstacles, challenges, or difficulty.
Would you be interested in playing that game? No!

No grinding is boring!

Keep making progress step-by-step.

C- Celebrate each tiny success

Because together, they matter and help you become better than yesterday.
Feel a sense of accomplishment not just once a year, but multiple times every single day.

D- Drawing Tips to Get Started:

  1. Sketch Anytime: Your routine can be flexible. Sketch when you can, whether it’s a few minutes or an entire afternoon. The key is consistency, not duration.
  2. Draw What You Love: Keep your motivation high by drawing what excites you. This will help you stay engaged and enjoy the process more.

Key 3: Personal Growth – The Wings of Success

Super Mario Evolution
Super Mario Evolution

A- Design creativity is a 24/7 affair

Success isn’t just about completing projects or advancing your career; it’s also about personal growth. For some, work is just work, and personal life is separate.

But for designers, creativity is a 24/7 affair!

If your dream is a 9-to-5 job, design might not be for you.
But if you breathe creativity all day and night, get ready for some fun!

B- Acquire new skills

Technology evolves and we got to evolve to keep on track.
What new skills, techniques, or knowledge are you acquiring?

As you grow, you’ll find wings developing behind you, allowing you to think bigger, become more ambitious, or explore new fields.

Life becomes a limitless source of joy and self-development.

Inspiration can come from anywherebooks, mentors, random meetings, or observations at a café. And then, one day, your brain will make sudden connections between ideas, and eureka!

Your designer mind will create something new when you least expect it.
That feeling is like finding a gold gem!

C- Drawing Tips to Get Started:

  1. Be Observant: Train your eye to notice details. Sketching regularly will enhance your observational skills, which are crucial for designers4.
  2. Explore Styles: Don’t get stuck in one style. Try different styles to broaden your artistic range. Look at how other designers approach their work for inspiration.

Conclusion: Your Talent Will Shine!

Don’t try to plan every step of your career in advance.
If you’re a designer who brings value to people,
your talent will be recognized, and opportunities will come your way.

Sometimes, you’ll meet people who can open doors to new horizons that will excite you too.
So, keep believing in yourself, stay open to new experiences, and watch your dreams unfold.

Remember, your future success as a designer is NOT about talent!


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Hello! I am a Product Designer from France.

If the sketching methods I’ve acquired aid me in my life and in my industrial design career, I believe that they can also help you reach your design goal as a student or professional.

My aim is to help you all along with your design projects and journey!

Leave a comment in the blog or send me an email at choutac@thedesignsketchbook.com : )


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