TIP 17 Don’t be a fool. Be happy.
Filter the information which tries to come into your brain. Decide what you want to see, hear, eat, feel. Focus on your own priorities instead of the one people try to make you believe in.
You could keep your natural happiness – and get inspired by what really matters to you. Ultimately, make your next sketch inspire people.
Direct Matin – Free newspaper gave in the subway
Newspapers publish bad news to raise sales.
The only “good news” on the cover page is the promotion clamming “Be the first informed!”. I would say “Be the first depressed”.
To start a great day, I rather sketch in the newspaper (instead of reading bad news).
Our brain is like a hard disk. It has limited storage which tend to get jammed.
Every day, we receive thousands of information trying to write in it things we don’t need. I doubt that much than a few percentages are worth paying attention on. But our mind is like a sponge that absorbs them despite our own will and affects our mood.
“In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
To illustrate how our daily life is manipulated, have a look at that video made by the French animation collective H5, presented at the Cannes Film Festival 2009.
François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy, Ludovic Houplain – LOGORAMA
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[…] Here’s the beautiful truth: people won’t judge you. hey’ll appreciate seeing how you improve day by day. And most importantly, they’ll see how it makes YOU happy. […]
Nice way to react ! we need to accept what we really are in order to recycle our mistakes