Artists and Designers, get motivated this October with Productober!
- #Productober is a 31-day drawing challenge, inspired by the successful Inktober yearly event.
- Amateurs and pros can participate by coming up with creative interpretations of each day’s topic.
- Get inspired today!
How to Charge Your Sketching Motivation with Productober
Productober was inspired by Inktober yearly event.
From #inktober to #Productober.
It is a 31-day drawing challenge created in 2009 by Jake Parker, a comic artist.
He wanted to improve his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits.
Since his challenge has been deployed worldwide!
Every October of the year,
Jake Parker publishes an official Inktober list of drawing topics for each day of the month so you won’t have to come up with the topic idea.
All you gotta do is to come up with your interpretation!
This is where the biggest excitement comes from. : D
Amateurs or professionals participate and post online their drawings following the daily topics.
The rule to participate is:
- Ink your drawing
- Publish it online
- Add the #inktober.
31 days for the 31 drawings challenge!
Like how Jake Parker says:
“You do not have to participate at all 31 days. But you gotta be consistent.”
Have you heard about #productober?
I wanna introduce you to a NEW HASHTAG: #PRODUCTOBER, a new ID sketching challenge!
It’s the Inktober for product designers created by Antoine Foucault, a student designer!

Inktober is about anything about drawing, illustration, and animation using the inking method.
As Jake Parker comes from the animation and illustration world.
Antoine Fumble and his friend (Students of Strate College in Paris) have been inspired by Jake Parker.
And they start the same challenge for Product design lovers: PRODUCTOBER
They told me they want to start the 31 days challenge among students of their school. And the challenge is open to anyone who loves product design sketching!
And I thought you may want to participate and maybe help him spread the word on social media!
#Productober started the 1st of October 2019
You can already follow the page and get the official prompt list of the new daily drawing topics of the year:

How Antoine came up with #Productober
Antoine Foucault is an Industrial Design student, in his 5th year.
And he’s preparing for his graduation.
He told me during the last year of a Master’s degree, students sketch much lesser.
This is how he came up with this sketching challenge idea to compensate.
If you also miss sketching and need a boost to sketch daily,
get ready to join the drawing challenge using the #productober and draw for a month long!
Antoine is actually one of my students in the Sketch Like The Pros course.
And he has an inspiring story of a career change.
Two years ago, he didn’t want to study Mechatronics anymore.
He wanted to become an Industrial Designer.
But it was risky.
He was already at his 3rd-year diploma in Mechatronics!
He bet on himself, contacted me, and decided to take my ID sketching course “Sketch Like The Pros”. Through the course, he has built the confidence to apply directly in the 4th year of Strate College in Paris.
The school opened its doors to him to jump directly to the 4th year.
He will be graduating soon with a Master’s degree in Industrial Design.
Keep up Antoine!!
PPS: Below, is the message Antoine shared with me in French on my Instagram/thedesignsketchbook

[…] Keep your goals in sight to boost motivation and remind yourself of what you’re working […]
Hi Chou-tac, since I saw your course for the first time a couple of years ago I decided to apply in my Industrial Design career. Your course was something that definitely changed the way I work and enjoy my career.
Now with this ProductOver initiative I feel excited, it is a great idea for us industrial designers and I definitely join it!
Hello Luis,
I am glad with the course you make your life happier with sketching as an industrial designer!
When career meets passion and joy, it’s just awesome.
Congratulations on making it happened!
Have fun!
Our ballpoint pen and imagination are the best game ever 😀