Fighting isolation blues?
Use this downtime to concentrate and channel your energy into creative drawing sessions.
Check out our guide on how to do it right!

When I ask my friends how things going with
the confinement due to Covid-19, they told me:
“Home is boring. I’m doing nothing! Help!”
And Yes, I agree. It is!
However, even though we are locked physically, our mind is free.
This is why I believe there are 2 kinds of boredom for artists and designers:
- The “Passive Boredom”
when you watch movies and scroll social media all day. - The “Creative Boredom”
when imagination activates anytime, anywhere!
Are you addicted to screens and Netflix binging?
First of all, I invite you to count the number of screens you have at home:
- Television, Tablets, Phones…
What we mainly spend our time is watching screens:
- Netflix, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Snap Chat…
We are so surrounded by screens.
We cant deny screen entertainment is fantastic.
But how come we have been so much occupied watching movies, at the end of the day, we still describe our days as boring?
Why don’t we have any feeling of Plenitude or Satisfaction?
To be fully happy as an artist or a designer,
instead of being passive spectators from screens,
you need to become active creators using your pen.
Are you losing from the Opportunity Cost?
We do meaningless actions that take over meaningful ones.
We scroll feeds and zap content instead of drawing, writing, and thinking about new projects…
Television and Social media are like “Sugar”.
They give an instant boost of satisfaction.
But what are the long-term benefits?
We all have 24 hours a day.
Try to see how you spend your time daily, and how many hours it represents per year. This time could be precious for practicing new creative skills.
I shared previously how you can save 5 months per year for your own projects.
Be aware of how “The Opportunity cost” impact your life, so you can start making positive change :).
Activate the “Creative boredom”
In the ’90s,
we didn’t rely on so many screens to entertain ourselves.
In France, television had 6 channels only,
and we didn’t have programs “à la carte” like Netflix.
It happened we get bored too. But it is ok.
Child imagination travel randomly.
We would sing, play toys making stories, play marbles, tapping stuff to make music, whistle, or even cooking at home. And of course, drawing. 🙂We didn’t found refuge on screens to compensate.
As well we say it is good to keep counting without using calculator, so you keep your brain alert. It is the same for imagination.
There is no minimum age to start to be creative!
At this time I call Creative boredom, you may find out a new Passion for yours.
There is no age to start.
Kids are fearless to try new things. Adults do fear.
So remember. No one is judging you.
No one will ever say anything about trying something new. Give yourself a chance to better discover a new passion no matter your age. How about inviting your family to participate in these playful activities!
Plant and Nurture your Creative Seed
This creative boredom was for me the seed of being a designer years later.
I didn’t know it yet, but I would enroll in a Design school once becoming an adult.
Before going to sleep, try to fulfill your day with something you will remember years later or feel proud to tell your kids, grandkids…
Make your boredom become a source of creativity.
Build something for yourself.
Learn a new skill.
No matter what activity you choose during this isolation time, fall asleep with the feeling that today, you are a little better version of yesterday by trying something new.
Think positive!
Isolation is the best time to discover and nurture your creativity!
Practice drawing like meditation. Give yourself a whole afternoon for drawing.
(Remember to put your phone in airplane mode, or better, drop it in another room. Your brain will forget about it. And you will feel a sensation of peace.
Take care.
PS: A positive message from Aaron
A trick to break the rule:
Draw what you see on the screen while watching a movie or a cartoon.
Here is the link from when I was bored on a long flight
and decided to start drawing the movie: The Grand Budapest Hotel.
[…] feels pretty bored at school and doesn’t do well in class. He’s so disinterested that passing his 3rd-year might be […]