Ola from Madrid, in Spain!
Sometimes, we lack inspiration.
We wonder what to draw and we face the blank page. 
Junior artists to seniors artists, we all search for creative ideas.
How to be more creative daily is our topic of the day with my friend Renata Lahalle.

How to be Creative Daily (Chou-Tac x Renata)

I made this video with my friend RENATA LAHALLE.
She’s an artist and she loves drawing daily with a ballpoint pen.

I am a designer, she’s an artist and we have the ballpoint pen as our best drawing tool in common. 🙂

Today, let me share with you her 10 actionable steps to be more creative daily for your drawing routine:

  1. Believe in your ability to draw or learn any new skill.
    This mindset is crucial for personal growth.
  2. Publish your drawings online where you can share your progress, techniques, and experiences with others who are interested in the same hobby or profession. It could be on social media, a blog, or a forum.
  3. Use drawing as a stress reliever.
  4. Consistency is key: Make time every day to practice your skills—even when life gets busy—to improve steadily over time.
  5. Always carry a small sketchbook and pen (or equivalent tools for your craft) so you can practice whenever inspiration strikes.
  6. Be observant of the world around you; it’s full of potential ideas and inspirations for creativity.
  7. Take photos of things that inspire you when immediate sketching isn’t possible; these can serve as references later on. I recommend you create your personal database of photo inspiration.
  8. Study past and present artists’ works—not to copy them but to understand their use of elements such as color and shape which could enhance your own work style
  9. Be patient with yourself during the learning process—ignore self-doubt about your skills, celebrate progress no matter how small it seems at first glance, be kind towards yourself always!
  10. Finally yet importantly, follow other artists like Renata on social media platforms not only for inspiration but also to understand different artistic journeys which might motivate yours!
    Even if her blog is in French language don’t forget art knows no language barriers!

Renata has a blog in French called “Les Images de Renata”.
We know each other for quite a while
and I really enjoy how she does push her art community to draw daily no matter their level.

Even though being a designer has their own characteristics
and professional concerns to answer,
there are plenty of good habits to take from artists like Renata.

We both think that what matters is the motivation you generate
through the pleasure you have at drawing
(instead of the frustration some may feel at constantly comparing themselves to advanced artists.)

Don’t worry, there are ways to be creative.
It is not only magic and rare innate talent.

I invite you to enjoy the tips she gives us
to be more creative daily and draw with passion

I hope it will also inspire you to create your own design sketchbook. 🙂
Have a wonderful day! 🙂


PS: If you want to discover more about Renata,
she shares about her secrets as an artist here (in French):
Interview d’artiste : Renata Lahalle – Mes carnets d’aquarelle (carnetsdaquarelle.com)

PPS: Renata launched her own book “Dessiner un carnet de voyage” in French
which means “Drawing a travel sketchbook” Tips for everyone!

You learn how to draw urban sketching with watercolor.

You can find it here on Amazon. It is in French. 🙂
Dessiner un carnet de voyage: Astuces pour tous !

Dessiner un carnet de voyage - Renata Lahalle
Dessiner un carnet de voyage – RENATA LAHALLE


Hello! I am a Product Designer from France.

If the sketching methods I’ve acquired aid me in my life and in my industrial design career, I believe that they can also help you reach your design goal as a student or professional.

My aim is to help you all along with your design projects and journey!

Leave a comment in the blog or send me an email at choutac@thedesignsketchbook.com : )


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