How to draw a cube with 2-point perspective

We saw previously How to draw a Cube with a 1-point perspective and how to recognize whether you need a 1 or 2-points perspective.
I hope you enjoy how easy it is to learn with this tutorial made for beginners.

it’s time to learn how to draw a cube with a 2-point perspective step-by-step.

If you miss the previous basic tutorial video of the beginner series,
you can watch them at the links below:

  1. How to draw straight lines
  2. How to draw perfect squares
  3. How to draw awesome circles
  4. Let’s now look at How to sharpen your sense of proportion with that easy trick of division.
  5. How to draw a cube with 1-point perspective

That was the last video of the series of the 6, related to the Designer Starter Kit.

NOTE: How to draw perspective tutorial in a few pictures below (All steps in the video above)

This is a preview of the Designer Starter Kit made for beginners.
You can download it for free.

How to draw a cube with 2 point perspective - product design sketching tutorial beginner

Drawing a cube in perspective with horizon line

The 2 green dots are the 2-point perspective.
We call them also the “Vanishing points”. 

We will draw our cubes in 3 dimensions starting from these 2 green dots.

How to draw a cube with 2 point perspective - above or below the horizon line
We look at the object from 2 different points of view:

  • Above the horizon line (green line), we can see below the cube.
  • Below the horizon line, we can see the top surface of the cube.

The horizon line is also called the “Eye level”.

Simple right?

How to draw a cube with 2 point perspective - product design for beginners
The blue lines are called the converging lines. They converge to the vanishing points.

(You can see in the video tutorial above “How to draw the cube stroke-by-stroke”, with the correct order of lines.)

How to draw a cube with 2 point perspective - product design sketching tutorial for beginners
When the cube is in the middle of the vanishing points, both sides are equally distant.

How to draw a cube with 2 point perspective - product design sketching distance estimation
We call this the foreshortening. 
The distance gets visually shorter in perspective.

If the cube is on the left, the right side is longer.
Vice-versa. (The distance is chosen by estimation.)

How to draw a cube with 2 point perspective - product design sketching easy for beginners
Yeah! You can be proud of your accomplishments!
Remember, what matters the most for beginners, is to make the first step.

And you did!

How to draw a cube with 2 point perspective - product design - drawing boxes practice
What if do some extra boxes to spice up our perspective drawing!
Here is a perspective example drawing of a variety of boxes.

What’s next:

I have a surprise for you. I already prepared the next level perspective tutorials for you to start to gain a much more professional drawing style!

Now you have well acquired the theory,
it is time to have ambitious design sketching exercises!
It is a series of 3 videos to complete the Cube Mania Drawing Challenge:

>> Yes, I want to start with the 1st video of the Cube Mania Challenge!

I add below a quick preview of what you will be able to draw in less than a week of practice!

Perspective drawing of cubes


Hello! I am a Product Designer from France.

If the sketching methods I’ve acquired aid me in my life and in my industrial design career, I believe that they can also help you reach your design goal as a student or professional.

My aim is to help you all along with your design projects and journey!

Leave a comment in the blog or send me an email at : )


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  • Chou-Tac
    I went through your 2 point perspective tutorial. You’ve done an outstanding job of presenting the subject.

    I’ve been sketch in perspective for 60 plus years. You nailed it! Easy to understand lesson, thinking of someone at a starting out level.

    Thanks and congratulations.

    Richard Kleinschmidt
    Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

    • Hello Richard,

      I am glad you enjoyed the video tutorial on perspective and found it beginner-friendly.

      That’s what I try to do. 🙂

      Simplicity is the key. It helps to start fast with confidence, and especially make people like it!

      So there is a lot higher chance to keep up and reach higher goals!

      Have a wonderful day!


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  • Chou-Tac: “Hope you find plenty of useful tips and tricks Gary. 😀Mar 21, 11:19
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