I received a message from Christopher.
He’s a woodworker and is fed up making drawings as “if somebody sits on them”.
I made a beginner video about:
How to Go from Flat Sketches to 3D Volumes!

Next week, I will prepare some product design tutorials for you.
PS: Feel free to follow my Instagram journey at www.instagram.com/thedesignsketchbook
You can also get notified of the latest updates at www.facebook.com/thedesignsketchbook

Testimonial from Jim Yarr:
“Hi Chou-Tac
Thank you for your email and for your sketchbook (…)
Can you please offer any assistance as I’m anxious to begin your course method?
I enjoyed your video and I am inspired to express a newfound latent creative artistic expression.
Thank you and look forward to hearing from you.”
– Jim.

Hi chou-tac
I love your videos. I have a question i always drawed feather lines. I am now practicing straight lines but after a week I can’t draw a long straight line or two parallel lines. What could I be doing wrong? Do you have a video to your drawing position? And also how long should I practice? Could it be the practice?
Hi Manuela,
Yes there are some tutorials about straight lines.
You can get them here:
The 3 top tutorials might interest you.
I will show you the drawing position as well.
How long to practice is not the main parameter. But how focus you are on your drawing session.
Some people can catch it pretty fast. Other may take a while, as maybe a mistake has not been detected (example: the height of the table maybe too high oor too low.)
Make sure to have a comfortable posture for a natural movement. It will be fine 🙂