Is It Difficult to Learn How to Draw? I dismantle common fears and misconceptions beginners face and give you 4 Positive Mindset Tips!!

Do you want to learn how to draw?
It becomes overwhelming pretty fast, right?

We have no idea how to start!

I share with you 4 tips that helped me when I was a beginner student at my Design school.

is it difficult to learn how to draw

4 Tips to learn how to draw for “scared beginners”

Something happened this morning that inspired me for today’s Motivation articles.

My girlfriend is a certified makeup artist.
She’s just got a message from her best friend asking her:

  • “Is it difficult to become a makeup artist?”

It is great that she shows interest in an artistic profession,
while she is actually working in a traditional office.

Behind this question actually hides a lack of confidence.
It could be translated by: Do you think I am good enough?

Make-up artist – Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

I also receive similar questions from aspiring artists and designers from the blog.

  • “Is it difficult to learn how to draw?”

We do believe that besides the criteria of Difficulty,
something matters more:

Your resilient mindset.

Today, we thought of sharing with you some tips
to overcome your fear of starting a new creative project.

TIP 1 | Talent is overrated

Stop thinking like the mass – Photo by Sora-Shimazaki

My girlfriend used to teach professional make-up artists techniques.
Some of her students become well-renowned and built their own beauty studios.

Let me share my girlfriend’s thoughts and observations.

Talent is a criteria among others.

Talent is actually overrated.
To succeed, it is about 10% talent and 90% work.

Yes, some people got more talent at the start.
They just learn faster.

Someone who is hard-working will make it too.

Besides that, no matter your amount of talent,
if you don’t put in the work, you won’t accomplish anything. Right?

Don’t be intimidated. I know it can be scary when we are beginners.
Admire the ones who are doing great.
Observe what they do.

You will realise that a work that is difficult does not have to be hard.

Build a positive mindset.

Even though it is tough to feel confident, act with optimism.
You will put in the work with high motivation – and take the right path to success!

woman drawing
Love your craft – Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

TIP 2 | When you learn how to draw, you love your craft

While many lack confidence,
some beginners are Overconfident.

Be patient.

On day 1, some students wanna jump directly on the cool
and advanced techniques of permanent makeup.

But they avoid learning the basics.
They feel bored.

They have no patience or dedication.
They are eventually wannabe artists – looking for fame and wealth more than quality work.

They give up fast looking for something else cool and easy to do.

If you feel that way,
it may be worth taking a pause and reflecting.

To succeed in any creative domain,
you gotta love the process more than the result.

Loving your craft is what will make you a great artist, and designer.

Start doing to be in the race – Photo from Andrea Piacquadio

TIP 3 | Stop making research. Start drawing!

You spend a lot of time making research,
but do you actually accomplish nothing?

A common mistake is to look for information for ages, but never start.

Procrastination is tempting.

You keep yourself busy.
But you don’t realize you fail in Procrastination.

Because at the end of the day,
you did read a lot of information,
but your drawing paper is still blank.

Don’t be afraid. It does not help.

What is the point to ask “Is it difficult to…” for months
when you could have just made a try thousands of times?

  • You spend hours and days looking for the best materials you “need” to buy.
  • You tell yourself I will start drawing when I got a graphic tablet.
  • You decide to start only when you upgrade your computer because now it’s too slow.
  • When I will buy this I will do that…

But you never start…

Stop excuses

It is like standing at the edge of the swimming pool diving board,
looking at others jumping and swimming.

While some of these reasons may be more or less valid,
ask yourself if you are making excuses.

Are you trying to avoid something?

Most of the time,
we fear discovering we are not good enough.

We prefer to keep dreaming of all the things we could do!
But a dream is just a dream without action.

Scared, you don’t want to face the reality.
Don’t fall into that crappy trap!

Nothing bad will happen.
No one is putting any expectation expect yourself.

Nobody judges you.

How about starting, and figuring it out along the way?
Nobody will judge you for trying.

Even if they do, so what? 🙂

Worst case scenario?
You will make a bad sketch.

And that’s normal!
You are starting.

The most difficult part of doing any project is the first step.
(Like the first dip of your toes in cold water)

Then, keep learning and you will get better day by day, week by week.
(And soon you will swim like a fish)

From Change to Chance – Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

TIP 4 | Change your words, change your future.

When you wanna start something, don’t ask “Is it difficult to…?”
Replace it with “How to…?”

The first question focuses on an obstacle,
while the other is on the solution and action.

Embrace difficulty

The real question should be:

  • How to become a make-up artist?
    (a designer, a singer, a painter…?)

I believe when we love doing something,
we should not be afraid of difficulty, but embrace it.

If it were easy, it won’t be fun!
(Imagine a video game where you keep winning all the time. Would you want to play it?)

As you can see, all these tips do not help to make things less difficult.
However, if you are willing to work on your positive mindset, anything will become a lot easier.


Because you will grow stronger!
And show high resiliency.

Whenever you fail,
you stand up and keep fighting for making your dream come true.
Resilience is an amazing feeling!

  • Take action now and start to learn how to draw with optimism.
  • Grow your skills!
  • And soon, your past dreams will look small, and you will dream even bigger!

I created beginner guides to help you start sketching.
I call it the Designer Starter Kit.

You will make your first steps in perspective.
And I will also show you some tips and tricks professional designers use every day!


Hello! I am a Product Designer from France.

If the sketching methods I’ve acquired aid me in my life and in my industrial design career, I believe that they can also help you reach your design goal as a student or professional.

My aim is to help you all along with your design projects and journey!

Leave a comment in the blog or send me an email at : )


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  • Miguel: “Radico en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México Tengo 74 años y estoy estudiando arquitectura, por esa razón es que me gustaría aprender…Mar 21, 20:01
  • Chou-Tac: “Hope you find plenty of useful tips and tricks Gary. 😀Mar 21, 11:19
  • GARY CHAMBERS: “I’m from Berkeley nsw , also I am 39yrs old always loved to draw my whole life I came along…Mar 21, 10:05
  • Chou-Tac: “Hi Lucy, Ha yes, I see which article you refer to. I had a lot of fun doing it! My…Mar 21, 08:41
  • Chou-Tac: “Love your energy you convey in your message! You are gonna do great! : ))Mar 21, 08:38


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