Have you ever felt awkward to draw something when people are looking above your shoulder?

It happens that a sketcher suddenly can’t draw anything. Trying to sketch new things, he’s paralyzed and draws nothing; thinking that his sketch may be judged by people.

TIP#33 No Failure, No Progress

Similar to “No Pain, No Gain”,
When you meet a difficulty, face it. It is part of the learning process.
You might not always solve it easily, it may get you on nerves.
That’s ok. Take it as a game that you’ll get used to failing. Failing will be part of the routine.

Then you’ll take the habit of solving problems with a clear mind. #Dexterity

That’s actually one of the reasons I started the 365 Keep Sketching Challenge.
It helps to conquer my fear of failure. I try to show you the good and bad days.
But I aim to keep the main curve of progress rising.


Sketching anywhere, in the train, bus, plane, pen shop. I got used to drawing in public. It helps to draw without caring much about the people around you.

I was chilling at the Typo shop. They sell colorful notebooks, glitter pens, and all kinds of fantasy decoration things. As usual, I like to have a look at the pen corner.


The pens didn’t interest me much. What caught my attention was the long-dimension sketchbook size. I randomly took a pen and slid it on that beautiful paper. It’s somehow like how a surfer may feel when he sees a high wave coming. It was a pleasure to sketch on such a surface.

@Sole_consideration recommended me on Instagram to run a normal sketchbook through a bandsaw. I have never wished as much for a bandsaw. Smile


It’s the first time I drew a sneaker with a glitter pen.
It’s kind of girly and not appropriate.
Anyway, with no shame, I experiment.

That’s how we conquer day by day our Fear of failure.

How about you? What slows you down at improving sketching?

Let’s discuss it in the comment area below.


Hello! I am a Product Designer from France.

If the sketching methods I’ve acquired aid me in my life and in my industrial design career, I believe that they can also help you reach your design goal as a student or professional.

My aim is to help you all along with your design projects and journey!

Leave a comment in the blog or send me an email at choutac@thedesignsketchbook.com : )


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