Hey everyone!
Get ready for a super fun sketching adventure!
Today, we’re going on a ride that’s all about fun, creativity, and drawing.
We’re going to draw Minions, play with circles, and have a blast!
This isn’t just about getting better at sketching; it’s about having fun like when you were a kid watching your favorite cartoons. So, grab your pencil, and let’s dive into this exciting world of sketching!
TIP #45
Have FUN when you draw !!

All started with some random circles. I was wondering what to draw, and suddenly, some Minions head pop up from these circles in my mind ! That was irresistible. So I sketched them !!

I actually get inspired from an exercise you can find in the Designer Starter Kit – about How to draw perfect circles. Feel free to get it and train your sketching skills.
It’s free for people who sign up to the blog.
I really had fun sketching them. I trained my circles and cylinders definitely in a good mood.
Our friend Bee-DO Bee-DO !! The sound of it is still reasoning in my mind.

Sketching with Minions is so much fun, isn’t it?
It’s not just about drawing better; it’s about having a good time and sparking your imagination.
Think of every line you draw as a way to play, laugh, and be creative.
Keep your pencils ready, your circles round, and your spirit light!
Whether you’re new to sketching or you’ve been doing it forever, let’s keep the fun in our sketches.
Laugh, learn, and let’s sketch together again soon!
[…] a Subject that you would enjoy to draw. Something you will show to your friends who will appreciate your improvements. They may not be […]
Wow Chou this is awesome, I just started and i feel your videos has helped in increasing my skills.