Last November, the course Sketch like the Pros was launched.
I was glad to see how it gathers an infinite number of unique profiles who have all in common the passion for Design sketching.

Today I want to share with you the story of the youngest student of the course.
He’s still a teen and already shows a high interest and motivation for Design sketching.

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I can’t hide how I was surprised to see such a young boy enrolling.
(I myself discovered my passion to Design Sketching much later during my 20’s.)

I believe his profile is pretty unusual and may inspire many others.
Let me share with you more about him and simply interview our friend Hippolyte Lucas. 🙂

Lucas Hippolyte Youngest student of Sketch Like The Pros Design course

Hippolyte Lucas ID Hey Hippolyte, tell us about you in few words.

I’m Lucas Hippolyte, I am a 15-year-old-student, and I live in Valenciennes, in north of France.

What are you hobby?

Drawing is definitely one of my passions, but I also play classical guitar for 8 years and I do Karate for 7 years.

What makes you thrill about Design?

A lot of thing makes me thrill about Industrial design.
A designer is a kind of an inventor where creativity is about thinking about a concept, an object then draws it and produce it through a whole process.

It’s so interesting for me!
And Design sketching is such a new way to learn drawing.

How old were you when you started sketching?

I started drawing at five or six years old.
Of course, it was ugly at the beginning but after with training (I copied a lot of mangas).
I developed my passion for sketching.

How did you discover your passion for Design?

I discover this passion thanks to a friend who is an Industrial Design student at the school ISD of Valenciennes (Institut Supérieur de Design) in France. I saw and followed his design projects that attracted my attention. I made some research, and I discovered a lot about the profession of Designer.
And now, it’s a passion.

I copied this shoe from an other sketch one year ago. I find it rather good !

Do you talk about Design and design sketching with your friends (with the same age)?

In general, not really. But sometimes, I have some discussions with friends about the work of a designer. They don’t really know what is it!

Who is your favorite artist, designers and/or brands?

I don’t know enough designers to choose one favorite.
But I really like Philippe Starck because he has created his own world in design. He has developed a talent that combine aesthetic with function in his products.

Do you believe in innate talent?

If innate talent exists, it’s very rare.
But everyone could create his own talent with a lot of work.
The talent is for me something we can develop.

Do you plan enrolling to a Design school in future?

Yes ! I would like to.
I want to become an Industrial designer and follow my passion.
So, yes I plan to enroll to a design school.

UPDATE: Lucas has been graduated in Product Design in France and he is now a professional designer

Any advice or tip for whom wanna start sketching?

To learn design sketching, it’s important and necessary to start from the beginning.
Don’t go too fast and take the time to learn sketching steps to steps.


Can you send us a picture of your sketching space and/or sketching tools?

Hippolyte Lucas Desk and sketching markers
Hippolyte Lucas Desk and sketching markers

If you could draw something and make it become reality. What would it be?

If i could draw something and make it reality, it will be something in the field of the music.
Maybe, headphones or a speaker…

Few pictures of your artworks

lucas hippolyte car design sketch .png
I drew some sketches, not a lot. But I drew this car two years ago.
lucas hippolyte Bakuman .png
1 or 2 years ago and it was very difficult! I copied it from a manga (Bakuman). I was not very good at drawing from imagination.
starting sketching course lucas hippolyte.png
Exercise from the Module 2 of Sketch like the Pros – Training the 3D vision with contour lines and fluidity of lines.

If you guys have any question to ask to Hippolyte,
feel free to ask him in the comment below or send me an email and I will connect you to him.

I am sure he will be glad to converse with you Smile .


PS: You can see Lucas’ progress after 3 months of following my course Sketch Like The Pros

Lucas Hippolyte fast progression studying with Sketch Like The Pros Design course
Lucas Hippolyte fast progression studying with Sketch Like The Pros Design course


Hello! I am a Product Designer from France.

If the sketching methods I’ve acquired aid me in my life and in my industrial design career, I believe that they can also help you reach your design goal as a student or professional.

My aim is to help you all along with your design projects and journey!

Leave a comment in the blog or send me an email at : )


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  • You have the determination to become an excelent Industrial designer, I am from Venezuela and i feel in the same way to improve my work as sketching with a hard work we can have and great future.

  • You have the determination to become an excelent Industrial designer, I am from Venezuela and i feel in the same way to improve my work as sketching with a hard work we can have and great future.


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