Nowadays, the world move fast, maybe too fast sometime. To keep updated a designer has to allocate some time at forecasting innovation and trends. I share with you some websites that I enjoy reading when I was student and still today. I share with you different type of content where some are more about

  • Technology forecasting
  • Material innovation
  • Design competition
  • Creative entrepreneurs…

Every designer is unique. Browse multiple source of design inspiration and you will be better armed to shape your own style and design orientation. They are great influence for building your own Design culture.

Design Boom

Design Boom Magazine

  • Some regular partnership are made with design companies to organise international design competition, where anybody can submit his project. You may have Superstar designers in the Jury.
  • You find in thousands of existing and virtual project. Many are from students – Pretty exciting !
  • Design boom is a must for building your Design culture. You will meet there creations and interviews from “Superstar” designers such as Zaha Hadid.
  • It’s an “innovation nest”. After spending some time on this website, you won’t be that shy when you’ll propose your next crazy idea at school. 
  • Make you remember that sometime, the most simple ideas are the most beautiful !

Red dot design

Red Dot Design

  • Red Dot is pretty famous for its annual Red Dot Design Awards. Last year they received almost 5000 entries from 56 countries – with 86 top award “Red Dot: Best of the best”.
  • If you pay attention on certain packaging that you find in shop, you may notice the Red Dot Design Award logo on them.
  • They have a museum in Singapore, Taipei and Essen. I loved spending a couple of hours visiting the one in Singapore at Maxwell Rd (The big red building), near the popular Maxwell food court.


WIRED Design magazine

  • Wired is impressive for the various domain and number of article
  • They cover topics about Design from science, business, politics, security…
  • The focus is not much about product design itself, but how Design influence our present and future lifestyle.

Le Manoosh

Le Manoosh - Product design inspiration

  • Beautiful galleries where you will find unlimited inspiration where Art merge with Product design
  • You may look for awesome pictures for your moodboard


Intramuros Design magazine

  • Before being a website, Intramuros is a physical Design magazine of reference
  • Stay up to date with design events such as exhibition and events
  • You want to know more about designer such as Alberto Alessi, Christophe Pillet, Yohji Yamamoto, Andre Putman, Marc Newson… ? Intramuros publish there portrait

Yanko Design

Yanko Design - Form beyond function

  • Showcase beautiful products and projects from students, small companies to established design brands. You might find some great discoveries.
  • You may appreciate to stop at there CKIE online shop and find some cool products that have a twist of humour and/or innovation.

Core 77

Core 77

  • Great website to keep updated on international event
  • Articles such as technology and innovative material experiment and latest transportation design
  • You will find a lot of “daring” product design there
  • Same family as Design portfolio


Materio Library

  • Huge library of materials where you may find inspiration for your project
  • Feel free to import some texture in Photoshop for your student project
  • The physical library in Paris can be visited by appointment


  • Precious resource for Creative entrepreneurs.
  • You will find conferences and articles about motivation, time management, working environment… all around people who are interested in the Creative business.
  • If you are interested in building your own business you may consider reading: Make Your Mark: The Creative’s Guide to Building a Business with Impact. I started to read it, and we found in a great compilation of experiences from different entrepreneurs and business consultant – to optimize a Creative entrepreneur potential. You can download the book on Kindle from Amazon.

I am pretty sure there is many more websites with great content that the list doesn’t talk about. Please share with us your must-see design websites in the comments. Thanks !


Hello! I am a Product Designer from France.

If the sketching methods I’ve acquired aid me in my life and in my industrial design career, I believe that they can also help you reach your design goal as a student or professional.

My aim is to help you all along with your design projects and journey!

Leave a comment in the blog or send me an email at : )


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  • KIRA: “Ukraine, 35 y.o. wanna to improve my skills, I found it in searchMar 11, 13:37
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