Hey today is a sketch of a Super-hero made with Photoshop. Actually I did that video just for myself and for fun. But I though I could add some Tips to share with you through this sketch.

Feature Super hero

1 How to draw a Super Hero - Concept art 2 Start with a vertical axis - Concept art
1- The vertical axis here is here a symmetry axis of reference of the body. I want my character to be standing, seen from the front view. I make sure the head, neck pecs, abs and legs are all well aligned. Remember to draw this axis with a very light pen pressure. It serves you as a guide.

3 Use a mini hero as a quick preview - Concept art 2- I like to have a mini preview beside the main sketch. It helps me to make some quick test on it without altering the main drawing. I can “prefeel” the curves and dynamics of the lines and body through the mini version. So my gesture can gain in precision for the bigger one.
This is not compulsory, but very helpful.

4 To visualise the overall better - Concept art
3- I duplicate the mini preview to the big one. Of course the big one as a bit more of details. But not much yet.

5 Overall done - Concept art
4- To get the pose, I only need to draw the general shapes of the whole body.
6 I can start the details - Concetp art
5- I am ready to zoom in and start detailing. Note that the initial lines are very rough, and not perfect at all ! They also serve me as a guide. I will refine these lines later.

7 Oops I realise the head is too small - Concept art
6- The head is too small ! So I select it and resize it a bit bigger. Many lines of the neck will be disconnected. But it’s ok because I still draw with a light pressure of pen. Remember to zoom out one time in a while to check the overall proportion.

8 I resize it bigger - Concept art
Much better right ?

9 Lets start the outfit - Concept art
7- I have the head, body and face. The character is naked. A super hero can’t be naked. He needs a super costume. So now let’s start the outfit !

10 Make some quick test with the mini hero preview - Concept art 8- The mini hero is here for me to make some experiment on it.

11 Drawing hands is not easy - Concept art
9- I often see begginers’ drawing characters with the hands hidden in the pocket, or on the back, or having just no hands ! There is a arm, but no hands (Or invisible hands maybe). When the sketch has been drawn on paper with a pencil, I may see that the hands has been erased 100 times !

12 Stop hiding hands - Draw them - Concept art
10- Don’t give up, and stop hidding them. Dare trying again and fail. Hands are in my opinion the most difficult part of the body to draw. The day you can make it, you can open the Champagne !

13 TIP Fingers are made of many small cylinders - Concept art 11- Remember to always simplify a complexe shape in multiple simple one. Fingers are made of many small cylinders.

14 Use keyboard to zoom in and out - Concept art 12- To draw fast, my body posture has a specific position to zoom in and out.

15 Left hand on keyboard - Right hand sketching with the pen - Concept art 13- Basically, I use my left hand to use the keyboard shortcut to zoom in [Cmd –] and zoom out [Cmd +].  My right hand draw on my Wacom tablet holding the pen.

16 The prop is drawn after the character - Concept art 14- I want my super hero to hold a prop. I start drawing it only after the character has been set up.

17 The prop is drawn after the character bisNever start a Super hero with his props. Eg. his sword, axe, shield… Order matter.

18 Can you see the baby dragon inside - Concept artI added a small creature in that capsule.

19 Trying some wings quickly - COncept art
15- A quick preview of wings I did in a second. I can roughly see if I want to add wings or not drawing these 2 abstract shapes.

20 Trying different helmet - Concept art
16- My left hand often use the [Cmd Z] to undo. I do some quick test of helmet here. If I am not satisfied I undo, and redraw something else.

21Trying different helmet - Concept art bis
I prefer that version.

22 Add some touch of grey - Concept art
17- To make it pop out more, I add a bit of grey. I contrast the body skin with the armour.

24 Hope it helps

Feel free to leave a comment or any question !
See you for the next tip.



Hello! I am a Product Designer from France.

If the sketching methods I’ve acquired aid me in my life and in my industrial design career, I believe that they can also help you reach your design goal as a student or professional.

My aim is to help you all along with your design projects and journey!

Leave a comment in the blog or send me an email at choutac@thedesignsketchbook.com : )


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  • madjid: “I am a 26-year-old mechanical engineer from Algeria, and I have always aspired to become a car designer. Seeking mentorship…Mar 23, 00:35
  • Miguel: “Radico en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México Tengo 74 años y estoy estudiando arquitectura, por esa razón es que me gustaría aprender…Mar 21, 20:01
  • Chou-Tac: “Hope you find plenty of useful tips and tricks Gary. 😀Mar 21, 11:19
  • GARY CHAMBERS: “I’m from Berkeley nsw , also I am 39yrs old always loved to draw my whole life I came along…Mar 21, 10:05
  • Chou-Tac: “Hi Lucy, Ha yes, I see which article you refer to. I had a lot of fun doing it! My…Mar 21, 08:41


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