Hi guys, today I recorded the first video of sketching tutorial !

To be honest that was not easy for me, as I am not used to speak alone in front of a camera. I plan to do more videos, so more I do more I should improve my video skills. Anyway, here we go !

Many beginners think that they can’t draw because they feel like facing a wall. I give you in the video 2 essential principles that should help you to start drawing in volume:

  1. Seeing things in transparency
  2. Decomposing an object in simple geommetry shapes

If you practice these 2 principles, you take the right path for great improvement. You will be even more ready for the coming tutorials such as how to draw ellipses, cylinders, curves and so on. I invite you to watch the above video to know more.

If you draw like the sketches below, the video might help you.

Before making the tutorial, I asked my friends (non initiated to drawing or design) to draw something of there choice. I wanted to look at there drawings and spot there major difficulty as pure beginners.
Then one of them told me:

“We want to draw in 3D but it looks like 2D, why ?”. – from Gnocci

It’s like there drawing skills has been freezed along the years since there childhood. 🙂 If you draw like the sketches below, watch the videos, try to apply the 2 principles and let me know about your progress !

Marie, 29yo. Sketching her creation.

doudou airplane-gnocci
Doudou airplane - sketch Gnocci 34
Gnocci – 34yo. Fan of airplane and wine.

Marie – 29 years old. Maybe counting the last minutes before new year.

Marie - 26 - sketch begginner
Marie 26yo. Already thinking about Chinese New Year, I guess.

Tell me what you think about the creation and  the videos !
Your feedback are sincerely appreciated. Thanks !


Hello! I am a Product Designer from France.

If the sketching methods I’ve acquired aid me in my life and in my industrial design career, I believe that they can also help you reach your design goal as a student or professional.

My aim is to help you all along with your design projects and journey!

Leave a comment in the blog or send me an email at choutac@thedesignsketchbook.com : )


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  • Wafa: “Pakistan, 35, developing better skills, by accident browsing.Jan 20, 12:50
  • Vlad: “I`m from Poland, 37 yo. Need some new skills to explaine better my work to the clients, don`t want to…Jan 20, 12:18
  • Keak: “I am from Tacoma, Washington and I am 35 years old. I want to improve my skills and like to…Jan 19, 12:59
  • Sam: “do I have to do this??Jan 19, 11:11
  • Alicia Cambridge: “I’M from Canda and i’m revisiting art/design fundamentals to improve and make my own comic. found this trough a quick…Jan 19, 02:41


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