During my first year of Product Design school,
we had a quite particular class: Live Nude model sketch.

I was browsing Instagram pictures. And I noticed the pictures of Suicide girls MX*. Girls from Mexico loving tatoos and who are just beautiful with a Polaroid feel. That’s how I started my sketches of the day.

* The content is sensual and doesn’t deserve a Content warning. Provocative but safe.


I found a roll of paper initially made for some office printers. I bought it to sketch on it a while ago. Good that I found it back :).

That’s just perfect for the 365 Keep Sketching Challenge ! Eheh.


If you know how to draw a body, you will achieve a lot of things.
I believe that all designers should go through this class.

The exercise I liked the most at the nude model class, was drawing the body pose in a minimum of lines. You had to catch the feel in few strokes. And to provoke our artistic side of us, a pose remained only for 1 or 2 minutes maximum.

The body curves and its posture has naturally awesome lines, especially women who are definitely more sensual than men’s body (in my opinion).

We do not want to be realistic. We want to translate the beauty of minimal. That is something I try to inject in my design sketches. You can refer to the article on How to make Lively lines.

Each drawing was made in a couple of minute. Try it out it is fun.
Observe, catch the pose and draw without asking yourself too much questions. Do not hesitate to exaggerate the curves. It will express even more dynamism.

I now live in Singapore. I should check out if there is such class here. If you have such courses in your town, I recommend you to try at least once. It may be a bit pricey, but your skills will improve a lot.

That’s all !

Feel free to leave a comment, and see you tomorrow for the next TIP OF THE DAY.


Hello! I am a Product Designer from France.

If the sketching methods I’ve acquired aid me in my life and in my industrial design career, I believe that they can also help you reach your design goal as a student or professional.

My aim is to help you all along with your design projects and journey!

Leave a comment in the blog or send me an email at choutac@thedesignsketchbook.com : )


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  • Hi,

    Thanks for the great post. I also agree on not being too realistic and going for minimalism. I find it helps build a good eye and adds a bit more of an emotional and dyanamic feel to my work.

    Have you ever checked out:


    Its a great site, maybe if your on more of a budget or are stripped for time its the next best thing to a live class.



    • Hi Matt,

      The site is awesome. More than people, there is animals.
      Thanks a lot. Always a pleasure to learn great information from you guys.



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  • Abu Talha Adib: “1. I am from Bangladesh. I am 18. 2. Drawing is my hobby. Now I like to learn sketch. 3.…Mar 9, 20:00


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