Leonardo studied Industrial design, and he’s today a 3D artist for video games. He enrolled my course Sketch like the Pros as a VIP student.
Leonardo sent me his work about cubes – it is pretty unique. More than following the course step-by-step, he spices up his drawing session: by drawing cubes following a path. His training became an artwork!
Leo’s story and testimonial about Sketch like the Pros. 🙂
“Make it personal.”
Adding a zest of creativity in anything you do help you learn faster. Why?
Because, it become a personal matter. 🙂

Challenge yourself keeping pushing your limits.
Leonardo didn’t draw this artwork for me, for his friends or else. He did it for himself and test how he could perform even more. He’s challenging himself.
That’s a great designer attitude and mindset I admire. Always keep that hunger to improve and push the limits.
Leonardo could push the exercise even further – so I gave him an extra challenge:
Adding holes in all the cubes! Here we go! You can see his response below:

Leonardo definitely enjoys sketching! I guess that’s why he’s making such cool sketches! 🙂
Maybe you would like to drop a message to Leo? Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I will be glad to transfer to him.
See you!
Thanks for sharing good information I read this post I really like this article.
Y have submited my mail in order to receive your book, but I haven´t received anything. Could you please send it?
I follow you on Youtube and I love your work.
Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for sharing
Hi Chou-Tac. Are you going to open a new edition of the “sketch like pros” course anytime soon? I don’t know how I ended up in https://designsketchbook.kartra.com/page/sketch-like-the-pros-waiting-list but I noticed that the offer already ended. I would love to do the self-taught version if you keep such a competitive price.
Thanks for your time! Love the website.
Hey Al!
Oh wow, I am very surprised you succeed to find this page! I am still preparing it! So it’s not ready yet to be shown!!
So I got to hide this link from your message if you dont mind – by editing a bit the link and keeping it secret till it’s ready to be opened. Uhuh!! Sorry!
I am preparing the launch of the next design sketching course for very soon. It will be for this October. :)) I am pretty excited about it.
The price will be the one you saw on the page. Oh, if you want I can add you in the waiting list.
Let me know if there is anything I can help!
Sure, I’m sorry if I revealed a well-kept secret!
I would love to get into the 1-on-1 version if the price is the one I saw. I think I could make a great use of it. Do you already have a waiting list? If so, save me a spot! Contact me in the email adress I provided if you need any more info.
Looking forward to joining it and working with you.
Awesome, I will be glad to have you in the course! 🙂