I am in a taxi from Bangkok on the way to Bang Sue, a road famous for woodcraft.
I hope we are on the right way.
We have just been dropped off by another taxi at the wrong place.
At 1 hour far away from our destination!
The taxi pretended we arrived, in fact, he was lost. We were lost…
Travel TIP: Show the taxi driver the address written in the local alphabet.
We asked the hotel receptionist to translate it for us in Thai.
(Unfortunately that tip didn’t worked with our first driver. Ahah)
After going down the taxi,
We went to the closest cafe to ask for directions. It was the cafe Cyclology where we met the owner who helped us call a taxi and gave the correct direction to the next taxi driver.
45 minutes later and 145 baht later, we reached the place!
I’ll tell you more about what I learned from the woodcraft road in the next article. Before, let me share with you a bit about How Cyclology attracted my attention.
Cyclology is a cafe but mainly a cycle shop for demanding riders. The shop was so clean. To go in, we had to remove our shoes. Pretty unusual for a shop no?
The way they care about the shop is to me an indicator of how they care about the product they sell and the services they give to your bikes.
In Thailand,
It seems pretty common to fusion shops & cafes. I didn’t take pictures from Cyclology.
Let me share with you this concept from another shop I saw yesterday at Thong Lor area, famous for its beautiful cafes.
The cafe brings people into your shop and gives exposure to your products.
You can sell any kind of product. Here was about indoor and outdoor lighting for decoration- mainly with an industrial look. The shop sells the products to local customers, tourists or even professionals who can enjoy a cafe under beautiful lighting.
The products are not displayed in a row like any traditional and boring shop you find in a supermarket or specialized shop, but are nicely presented like a gallery of props!
What’s the link with Industrial design?
Ok, the client may come just for a coffee and a piece of cake, nothing more. But if he came to that shop we can admit he likes the ambiance and decoration of the products. He might not buy it today, but maybe tomorrow or just talk about the cafe to his friends.
If your service and food are good, the customer will associate a positive experience with the products. Science shows that humans act by emotion, not much from tangible reason. This is how creating such a customer experience will activate the emotional memory and hopefully buy your products and use them happily! 🙂
TIP: A designer is not about creating functions or make things beautiful. It’s about creating life experience.

Tomorrow I will share with you what I learned about wood from my meetings with the carpenters of Bang Sue.
If you want more articles where I share with you my personal and daily thoughts and observation. Let me know by email or leave me a message in the comments!
See you!
Cheers from Bangkok,
Hi Choutac i am a student of furniture design need your help in design thinking and ideas generating concept from where i start thinking and which specific exercise i apply to think great and how tell me designing rules
Hello Sajawal,
Inspiration basically can come from anywhere. You may have a look at this article: https://www.thedesignsketchbook.com/11-tips-to-get-inspired-and-draw-from-imagination-tip-143/
In furniture design, you have to master well perspective. Always start with simplify volumes, and go into details after. Train at drawings cubes, cylinders… in perspective is a good start.
In parallel, whenever you have an idea, doodle it ! Take note of your idea even though you may not yet comfortable at drawing. Keep your notes. The day you have more skills you can practice drawing them better. 🙂
Hope it helps.
Really great! Its like a hybrid space on a different scale. I think in the future we will see more fusions between coffees, shops, offices, workshops, exhibitions, and the list can go on! Lifestyle! Your website is really amazing! Thank you for everything you write here!
Hello Constantin, I agree we can decline in so many ways!
In Singapore, it’s common to see students doing their homework at Starbuck but also Mc Donald. The direction even add a note on the wall that students can’t come study during peak hours…