I am glad he accepted today’s interview as he has a precious point of view about Why you should become a Product Designer now. : )
He has the willingness to share with us his experience
as the Director of programs and professor at the Samsung Art & Design Institute (SADI), a great Design school from Seoul!
And he’s totally passionate about Industrial Design Sketching!
I have the chance to know Jongho LEE since he’s a VIP member of my design sketching course SKETCH LIKE THE PROS.
1. Jongho LEE,
Can you please tell us about you?
I think I always loved making new things.

2. What is your role at
SAMSUNG Art & Design Institute?
I believe that product/space should be designed first to reflect the customers’ lifestyles and emotional status and then technologies follow to support the customers’ experiences.

3. How did you discover your passion for Design? How it all started?
I love making new things.
I think designers are the ones who should be able to utilize new technology to make something unique. This is my passion for design.
I would love to create something unique with the help of new technology.
I took the online sketching course this year and taking the course was a definitely smart choice in my case.
I feel confident about making new things now.

4. What makes you excited about design?
5. Why design is so important in Korea?
Design in Korea used to be a mass-product-oriented approach_ so developing new concepts and delivering these new concepts through the commercial marketing campaign and then production was the primary design process and rules for years.
It is changing now.
Design in Korea is far more in a mass customization era.
6. How important are
sketching skills for designers ?
Sketching should be a necessary skill for any designer.
Sometimes, students wonder if the computer modeler can replace the sketching. However, based on my personal experience, sketching is a type of human skill that can be practiced and improved.
Through sketching practice, parts of your visionary brain can be activated, trained, and switched on. And by developing a habit of sketching every day, you will be motivated to create something way creative.
7. What are the qualities you are looking for in a student to become a great designer ?
Students have to be great storytellers.
And they have to explain transparently.
8 Do you think anyone
can learn how to sketch?
Designers communicate their initial concepts and ideas through sketches.
9. If you had 1 advice to give to a an aspiring designer (who don’t dare to pursue his dream to become a designer).
What would you tell him ?
The design is a great job, always fulfilling.
As technologies (such as AI) got mature, people will spend more time creating something, leaving management jobs to AI.
“I think it is getting a great time to be a designer ever than before.”
Tell your stories with sketching, express your thoughts and feelings with sketches, and make something new for mankind.
These are the designers’ life.
It will be more fun and more fulfilling than ever before.
Thank you Jonhgo LEE
for your precious and inspiring insights!
If you aspire to become a Product Designer,
I hope his journey resonates in your heart.
I hope it shows you how being a designer is a beautiful journey
following the goal of making a better world.
Jongho’s insider view reminds me how as industrial designers we have a decisive role in our environment and excitement in our lives.
I like to think we are like the scenarist of life.
Creativity offers meaningful experiences to people.
I also feel grateful for all the work made by the designers around the world who create all the objects that surround us (Phone, computer, tables, jewelry, pens, water bottles, drones, …) who plan and create the future.
As Jongho LEE mentioned,
it’s amazing with the great support of innovation and technology.
Once again,
If you are interested in joining my design course SKETCH LIKE THE PROS like how Jongho LEE did, remember to join now the Waiting list.
See you for the next design article or tutorial!
Take care.
// Chou-Tac
[…] This interview holds a special place in my heart. As a Product Design student, I was captivated by the incredible sneaker sketches Mr. Bailey shared on his blog and Instagram. His platform became a wellspring of motivation and inspiration, not just for me, but for countless aspiring designers. […]